Wednesday 27 July 2016

The Holiday by Erica James


Hey guys ;D I'm back again!

         Today I want to share a review on a book that I have just finished reading last night. I spent a freakin' week to finish this book! I don't know what took me so long. Maybe it's because I cannot find something special in the story that will keep me engaged. Hmm..

          Well, I'm talking about this book called The Holiday authored by Erica James. Overall , I can say that this is just like other typical romance novel I usually read before. It is a bit slow in the beginning, I can only find a little bit of momentum in the middle of the storyline. The first half of the book doesn't really appeals to me. The second half of the book is quite okay :) I find myself smiling at the sudden romance of the main characters.

          The story is about  Izzy Jordan, a school teacher with an extraordinary life history, who went on a vacation in attempt to clear her mind after having a relationship failure. Laura, her bestfriend, wanted to help her overcome her frustration. So, Laura asked the flirty-but-won't-hurt-women neighbour, Theo to make sure Izzy had a wonderful vacation. Sort of like a short vacation romance. Initially, Theo approached her merely because of Laura's request, but then he found himself liking her more than he should. He  worked really hard to gain Izzy's attention but she just won't open up for him.

          During the times Izzy hangs out with Theo, she felt uncomfortable everytime Theo showed his affection towards her. But then, she met Mark (Theo's bestfriend). I really like the part where they first met. It's really cute *giggles* Mark knew about Theo's feelings. It all started when he decided to help Theo with his feelings. Until he found out that he has the same feelings towards her too. *dun dun dun.. DRAMAA*

          The story not only focuses on their love story, it also focuses on the life history of both Mark and Izzy. To be honest, I really liked how the author described Mark. He was portrayed as a man who doesn't show his affection towards just anyone. He's kinda mysterious, one who makes you want to know more about them. And he had a seriously dark past hewhewww

         To be honest, I felt sorry for Theo. He liked Izzy so much but it only ends up as a one-sided feeling :( Poor him. Overall, the story is good.

TITLE : The Holiday

AUTHOR : Erica James

RATING : 5/10

Next book on my reading list:


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